What trips are on this year?
How much do
trips cost?
We have many exciting trips planned for this 2017/18 academic year. Please visit our Facebook to see the dates of our up coming trips!
Riding Holiday
Each year we try to hold a riding holiday for our
members as a chance to get away from the stresses
of University life and simply have a few days out in the fresh air with a horsey companion.
Take a look at the video from last year's trip to Dublin!
This year we will be running a trip back to Dublin,
open to all members of UoN Equestrian. Keep
an eye out for more information about the
riding holiday at the beginning of
second semester.
We're all students so we know that sometimes money
can be tight! For this reason we try to keep our trips as reasonably priced as possible and include transport arrangements.
We can often get cheaper tickets to events because we do large block bookings, and sometimes we can even
subsidise the price of a trip if we feel it will really
benefit our members!
If you're ever struggling financially and are
really disappointed about having to miss a
trip, message one of our committee
members to chat about it.