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Each team takes part in one home competition and three away competitions, with the opportunity of doing more if we either qualify as a team or as individuals for the regional or national finals.
Firstly in the morning the team will take part in the dressage test on the horse that they draw to ride and in the order they’re drawn in. There is then a break over lunch before the show jumping commences.
Again you will draw a horse to ride and also draw the order in which you ride that horse.
The jumping has penalties for knock downs an refusals but is not timed.
The scoring is based on style and how
well you work with the horse.

How often do we compete?
How do competitions work?
What if I can't compete?
Both teams for the Championship and
Trophy leagues will have a reserve so
they can take your place if you are unavailable. However, it's important that you consider the time commitments of training and competing when you trial for the
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